250kW Hybrid System (900kWh)
The 250kW Hybrid System with a 900kWh Li Battery is an optimal choice for businesses with substantial energy needs. Ideal for large-scale applications, it efficiently powers manufacturing plants, industrial machinery, data centers, and utility-scale projects.
Its versatility extends to remote locations and off-grid settings, making it suitable for agriculture, mining, and sustainable initiatives. Businesses investing in electric vehicle infrastructure will find this system invaluable. With a focus on reliability, sustainability, and scalability, this hybrid system represents a strategic solution for organizations seeking to reduce their environmental impact and meet the challenges of modern energy consumption.
Picture |
Description |
Qty |
![550W solar panel]() |
Solar Panel – 580W
Open circuit voltage: 51.47V
Size: 2278*1134*30mm
Weight: 32kg
Warranty :25years |
420 |
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Rated power: 250kW
Max output power(kVA): 275V AC Rated current: 361A
AC voltage range: 360-460V Rated frequency: 50/60Hz
AC connection: 3W+N+PE Max.PV power(kW):300/360 MPPT voltage range(V):250-850 Battery voltage range(V):420-850 Dimension(W/H/D): (600*720*2,050)*1+ 1,200*800*2,050
Weight: 1,980/2,010 Communication: RS485, CAN Warranty :5years |
1 |
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High voltage lithium battery
480V1890Ah 907KWh
(including battery cluster support,
BMS, HV system cabinet and connection cables)
Warranty :5years |
5 |
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Combiner Box
6 input, 1 output
Warranty :3years |
1 |
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Aluminum alloy Bracket
Rooftop/Ground Mounting system Enough bracket for 420pcs panels
Warranty :20years
(free design display) |
1 |
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PV Cable
20roll (100m/roll, 4mm2) 1000m red&1000m black
MC4 Connector:210pcs
Rated current: 30A
Rated voltage: 1000VDC
Warranty: 3 years |
1 |
Electricity generation |
974.4kWh / day
29232kWh / month |
* We consider a yield of 1 panels in 4 hours
420 pcs X 580W/pcs X 1 X 4 hours = 974.4kWh
974.4kWh X 30days = 29232kWh/month |
Drivable loads |
within 250kW (resistive load)
within 83.3kW (inductive load) |
Inverter with a power of 250 kW
Inductive loads require more power to start (triple) |
Storable power |
900kWh Lithium Battery
(high voltage) |
Used for night time electricity. Can be filled in one day without using other loads |
Installation area |
1140 square meters |
Approximately equal to the total area of the PV panels |
Application Scenarios for 250kW Hybrid Solar System
Commercial and Industrial Facilities |
This system is suitable for powering large commercial and industrial establishments, providing energy for lighting, machinery, HVAC systems, and other operational needs. |
Microgrids |
It can be integrated into microgrid setups to ensure reliable and sustainable power supply for communities, campuses, or remote areas. |
Large-Scale Agricultural Operations |
Farms and agricultural facilities with extensive energy demands for irrigation, equipment, and other operations can leverage this system. |
Energy Storage Projects |
The 900kWh Li Battery component makes this system suitable for energy storage projects, facilitating the efficient use of stored energy during periods of low sunlight or high demand. |
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